
Tombstones in a military cemetery in the morning

Military Funeral Honors & What Families Should Know

Men and women who have selflessly dedicated themselves to protecting the U.S. and preserving our freedom deserve our most profound respect and gratitude. Military service is not just a profession—it is a profound commitment to ensuring the safety of all American citizens. Military funeral honors are meant to pay homage to the bravery and dedication of veterans by […]

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Person providing a supporting arm to a grieving person

How To Carry Out Final Wishes While Grieving

Losing a loved one can challenge your sense of purpose and meaning, leaving you wondering how you can manage without their presence. Further complicating the grieving process is that you may be responsible for carrying out their final wishes. How can you possibly do everything by yourself? Fortunately, you don’t have to handle everything on […]

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A young Asian female puts her arm around a young Asian man, who has his hands clasped and appears to be in grief

Action Amid Grief: What to Do When a Loved One Passes Away

Loss is an inevitable part of life but challenging nonetheless. After a loved one passes away, the grief can be so overwhelming that adjusting to a new reality can be difficult. Remaining active, even amid grief, can be a powerful step toward healing because it forces the brain to focus on the important tasks at […]

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A woman, wearing a brown cardigan, is holding hands with a man in a blue jacket. They are both sitting down, and their faces can't be seen. To the left, the hand of third person holds a pen and writes on paper attached to a clipboard

How to Prepare for Your Death: A Guide to End-of-Life Planning

End-of-life planning involves more than just funeral planning or writing a will—it’s about helping your family.  Coping with grief is difficult and, for some, a lengthy process that is mentally and physically exhausting. Tying up all loose ends associated with your finances, your funeral, and your last will and testament before the inevitable happens can […]

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